I've nearly finished my Intialy Lottery Program, it is kick-ass! The Current features are: ability to add and remove contestants at any time (for when players buy tickets, and the removal part is incase a player needs to be booted from the lottery for some reason.) ability for each player to have multiple tickets depending on if the lottery's rules allow for it.
there can be an unlimited number of winners, and winners do not have to be calculated instantly, each one can be calculated over time.
ability to display list of players and how many tickets each player has extra features to the Display screen it allows me to post the results to the website, and also displays some interesting details about the lottery such as how many contestants there are and how many tickets were sold. I also consider this a plus: NO NEED FOR THOSE GAY LOTTERY NUMBER THINGS (basically I set it so that instead of generating a set of numbers like the Powerball (23 15 16 12 53) that style I can simply just use player usernames instead, thus allowing me to just flat out say who won. I ran the program to create a sample of what the display screen would look like, so you all can see. Intialy Lottery Statistics --------------------------------------------------------- Ticket info ------------- Price per ticket: 20 Tickets Sold: 18 Total Ticket costs: 360 Winners --------- 1 orange451 2 Tyr 3 Typhoon Contestants (4) number of tickets (18) --------------------------------------------------------- Tyr 10 Typhoon 5 orange451 1 jeroxy 2