I hope you all had a great Christmas, Haunakkah, and kwanza. I had a great Christmas, I got a wii, and already got wii elbow ha. Well anywho I hope you all had a great time, and now were looking forward to the new year! 2009!!! woohoo My 2009 predictions: 1. There will be an assassination attempt on Barack Obama (I support Barack but there are racists so they may try something) (UPDATE: Looks like this one may have happened before the 2009 date predicted. There was a neo-nazi assaination plot foiled on 27th October 2008) 2. Gas prices will stay low for a few months then skyrocket just below the horrific price it was at 3 months ago 3. In the USA a couple airline companies will merge. 4. Canada will not do anything major or cause any interest upon itself. 5. there will be 3 more terrorist attacks this year, not located in iraq, possibly in Dubai. 6. Britney Spears will do something that will cause her to be a major feature on the news(again). 7. There will be a knife attack on a top celebrity 8. Approximately 127 million adults in the U.S. are overweight, 60 million are obese, 110 million of that 127 million will fail to make their new years resolution to lose weight come true. 9. On the morning of January first 280,621,157 people in the US will be experiencing a hang over 10. Intialy Online will be released and the bandwidth on the server will be killed due to millions of downloads daily(I can hope can't I?)