Intialy Tips and Intialy ads can be accessed on the show your support page.
Intialy Tips is a script to show Tips for playing and information about the game including Intialy History.
A new tip is displayed every time you refresh.
These tips can be placed onto your own site for free using our handy script.
I setup the tips so that when placed on a site the only text displayed is the actual tip, and the tip is a link to this site. I figured I'd let users of it customize it themselves to fit their sites.
Intialy ads
well its basically just that, some ads for intialy, personally I don't like either of the ad banners, but they are what were using for now. With the scripts we have for the ad banners we have them setup so if we decide to change what they look like we can without ruining the image on your site(it will automatically change for you if you use the javascript version.)